You’ve Got Questions - We’ve Got Answers
How much do you charge for a consultation?
We get this question a lot, and the answer is: we don’t charge our clients to sit down with us. There are no fees when getting quotes or any information regarding any of our services.
How do I make sure I’m not over-insured?
There are typically standards and limitations set by companies to make sure you aren’t over insured. You can only qualify for a certain amount depending on multiple factors. Sadly though, more people tend to be under-insured rather than over-insured. We do offer free policy reviews for anyone who has questions about their current policy or even people who just want an outside opinion on their current policies.
Why do I need insurance?
There are many reasons why someone would need to have life insurance. Typically the main reasons for life insurance are, Funeral costs, unpaid debts, mortgages, children’s education, financial responsibility in the form of monthly bills or income. People don’t think about the financial burden a family takes on when one of the income earners passes away. Even if we don’t pass away but suffer from a qualifying Chronic, Critical, or Terminal illness or injury that may keep us out of work. Bills don’t stop just because we stop working. And in fact, typically monthly bills get higher when we suffer from one of those conditions due to medical expenses.
I have Life Insurance through work, why do I need more?
Although having life insurance through work is great, typically it does not cover all of our insurable needs. The perks of having Life Insurance through work is that it is typically significantly cheaper. The problem is that we never know when we may resign, lose our job, get injured and no longer be able to work etc. Having personally owned Life Insurance is extremely important for our long term goals. Too many times we see people who only have Life Insurance through work think that that is enough, then get sick and have to resign. This means their Life Insurance is typically voided. Then can no longer qualify for personally owned Life Insurance because their health is not where it needs to be.
How much Life Insurance do I need?
This is a more tough question to answer. So many factors come in to play when determining how much life insurance is needed in a situation. Income, Financial Responsibility, family size, debts, and so many more things factor in to this number. There is no “one size fits all” amount when it comes to coverage and we understand that. Our agents are trained to ask the proper questions to make sure we recommend the proper amount of coverage for you and your family’s needs.
What is better, Term or Whole Life?
It is not which one is better, but possibly which one is better for you and your family’s needs. Just like anything, there are pro’s and con’s to each products. Sometimes having both is best, sometimes one or the other is best. When we sit down with our clients we make sure to ask all the questions needed to figure out not only what amount of coverage is needed, but what type of coverage is needed in every family’s situation.
Can I have more than one policy?
Yes. And most people end up having more than one policy whether it be through work, or different types of policies. Sometimes we have a policy for our short term needs and a policy for our more long term needs. Our agents will make sure we show you the proper amounts of coverage for your short term and long term goals.
What happens if I get denied?
Although it does happen, our agents are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to choosing the right company for you. We work with over 20 different top quality companies, each one having different underwriting guidelines. So when gathering information, and before making a recommendation, Our agents will make sure the company they choose is the right one for you. Typically with over 20 different companies we can find one that will work for you and your family’s needs. We have clients come to us all the time saying they were denied, and after doing a proper needs analysis with them we find a company willing to work with them. Don’t let getting denied previously stop you from reaching out to see how we can help you.
What is Mortgage Protection Life Insurance?
Mortgage Protection Life Insurance is typically a policy that has a death benefit as the balance of your mortgage. They are popular with people who are not completely insured. It is to make sure if one of the spouses were to pass away the death benefit would go towards paying off your mortgage.
Do my children need life insurance?
Here at Arize Financial & Insurance Group we see the value in everybody having proper coverage. Obviously as a child you have less insurable need, but there is still a need. It is a touchy subject as the thought of any loved one is hard to imagine, but when talking about life insurance for children, we typically focus more on a living benefit rider rather than a death benefit.
Do you still have questions about our products or services? Don't worry, most people do. That is why we're here. We have agents with substantial industry knowledge to assist you with any questions you may have. Contact us for more information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.